Your Query Letter Experts

22+ years of literary agency experience
2,000+ query letters reviewed

Let’s work together. ($199)

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Trusted by 716 authors

About the Team

Alyssa Matesic

At The Book Group, Alyssa reviewed hundreds of query letters and found authors from the “slush pile.” She later worked at Ballantine Books (an imprint of Penguin Random House) then started her own developmental editing business, where she has helped numerous authors land agents and publishing deals.

She has more than 50,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel, where she gives free advice on navigating the traditional publishing industry.

Nora Bellot

After seven years as an assistant and junior agent at Writers House literary agency, Nora has evaluated thousands of queries and knows what makes one stand out from the slush pile. She completed a certificate program with NYU's Summer Publishing Institute, and is active with the Editorial Freelancers Association, keeping her skills sharp and keeping on top of trends in acquisitions. She has now spent four years working directly with authors on book projects of all lengths, genres, and styles, helping them to put their best foot forward and advance toward publication.

Michael Carr

Michael is a literary agent at Veritas Literary Agency with a background in editing and writing who represents writers in a variety of genres, with a special emphasis on historical fiction, mystery and suspense, and science fiction and fantasy. Michael works carefully with clients to produce the cleanest, most professional manuscripts and enjoys teaching at workshops and conferences to help develop emerging writers. He speaks Brazilian Portuguese and Swahili, and before joining Veritas Literary had professions as diverse as programming simulators for nuclear submarines and owning an inn in Vermont.